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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Would homeless for a day!

         I was thinking about all the negative things in the world.  What really concerns me is the Homeless and what it's like to be homeless.  I wonder what reasons would cause a person to be homeless.  Bad luck, laziness or sheer giving up on life and all the things that you need in life to survive.  Maybe they lost their job and just never rebound from there.  Or maybe drug or alcohol led them to there plight. So many different reason that you just don't know why?  Once I was so fed up with working and having paid out 80% of my earning to live.  I felt why just give and go live in the mountains or beaches or even in the shelter.  But there was no way I could do that because I had responsibilites to my child and myself.  However it did briefing enter my thoughts. 
       I would like to dedicate one day to Homelessness.  Challenge everyone to do something that a homeless person has to do everyday. And if you aren't able to do that one thing.
Donate your time or $100.00 to a shelter. You need to document what you are going to do and send it to my blog site.
1.  Sleep outside in cold. (a entire night)
2.  Sleep in shelter.
3.  Eat from trash.
4.  Eat at Shelter
5.  Stay on streets from dawn to dusk.

Lets make Jan 24th that day!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

3 Wheeled Bicycle Riders Unite

3 Wheeled Bicycle Riders Wanted!

I recently purchased a 3 wheeled bicycle with 3 speeds and I love my newly found vehicle. I would love to get some fellow 3 wheelers to get with me for some road fun. This is what I want to do. I want to lose this horrific weight and be able to ride my bike cross country. So now I'm riding everyday and getting stronger. And what better place to get stronger, in the land of the hills. 

     As you get a better look at my bike you can see that I customized my bike to feel good to me. I put new handlebars on and I'm slowly doing things to make it mine. I really want this to be my main transportation which is why I ride it everyday. 
Today I rode to QFC and then to Safeway, it was about a 2 miles ride. I have been riding everyday, but it's only been to Safeway and back. I like to ride around the back of the store and go as fast as I can. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

9" Plates for my Fat lips

      Americans are pigs and we do things big. So it's time to STOP. We have a planet full of obese people that are completely spoiled. It's time to downside on our portions of food and fun. I am very,very over my
weight limit. I'm starting this blog to start changing my way of food consumption. I've decided to box up all my plates and use only 9" plates. Plus eating one helping and eating slowly, even if it means my food is getting cold. You should take at least 1+ min to chew a fork of food. The slower you eat the better your digestive system works. We are so busy stuffing food down our throat that we are not enjoying it. We are missing the favors and textures. And over stuffing our stomachs.

    I challenge you to drop your plate size and limit your food intake. That's my plan and I'm sticking to it. Cut your meals in half and live longer. Not just changing your eating habits also get outside and move that body. For example, I had a mobility scooter that my mom was using and I began to use it as well and I was getting  addicted to it, and it was totally killing my will to be mobile. So I sold it and purchase my 3 wheeled bike. Which gives me exercise and makes me very happy. I feel so much better and I really want drop these pounds and feel better about myself. If you're in hit me back.

thanks for reading my blog.........FLO

    Hello my dear friends